Help Resources

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Help Resources

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To help you better use our software, we provide numerous resources describing the best practices for embedding our products in your real-life applications. For information on a particular Derivicom product, please refer to the list below.


When you install FinOptions API on your local machine, the following offline resources are available to you.

Integrated Documentation

With every Derivicom product, we ship a help system that is fully integrated with your development environment. This documentation provides comprehensive information on using the product, and contains a detailed description of the product's functions, while providing numerous examples, screenshots and samples.

Comprehensive Examples

In addition to numerous online resources, FinOptions API ships with many professionally designed examples, covering many of the financial functions included within the library. Each example application illustrates how to use the API functions and their various inputs empowering you to begin your option analysis today.


In addition to the offline resources, you can access various information sources at the Derivicom's Web Site.

Online Documentation

On the Derivicom website, you have permanent access to online documentation for all our products. The online documentation is easy to use and navigate, and contains the most recent changes that may not yet be included in the offline documentation shipped with the product.

Support Center

This is the primary channel to get answers to your questions, report bugs and make suggestions. Whenever you want to create a new issue (ask a question, post a bug or a request) we advise that you look through the currently posted issues. A similar issue may already have been reported, so you'll find a quick answer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Derivicom's Frequently Asked Questions provides answers to the most frequently asked questions for all our products. Here, you have easy access to a comprehensive set of specific documents on how to use our products more effectively.