The following list contains all of the possible errors that FinOptions API can display if there are errors with the one of the functions.
Err Code |
Enum Name |
Error Message |
-2147155969 |
IterationsMinErr |
The number of iterations for the Binomial Model must be greater than or equal to 5. |
-2147155968 |
IterationsMaxErr |
The number of iterations for the Binomial Model must be less than or equal to 500. |
-2147155967 |
AssetPriceErr |
AssetPrice must be greater than or equal to 0. |
-2147155966 |
StrikePriceErr |
StrikePrice must be greater than 0. |
-2147155965 |
DividendAmtErr |
DividendAmount must be greater than or equal to 0. |
-2147155964 |
TimeExDivErr |
TimeExDividend must be greater than or equal to 0. |
-2147155963 |
DividendFreqErr |
DividendFrequency must be greater than or equal to 0. |
-2147155962 |
TimeExpireErr |
TimeExpire must be greater than 0. |
-2147155961 |
InterestRateErr |
InterestRate must be greater than 0 and less than 1E30. |
-2147155960 |
YieldRateErr |
The Yield Rate must be greater than -1 or -100% and less than 1E5 |
-2147155959 |
MktPriceNegErr |
MarketPrice cannot be a negative number. |
-2147155958 |
MktPriceGZErr |
MarketPrice must be greater than zero to calculate the Implied Value. |
-2147155957 |
AssetPriceEurErr |
AssetPrice must be less than or equal to 100. |
-2147155956 |
StrikePriceEurErr |
StrikePrice must be less than 100. |
-2147155955 |
JumpPerYrErr |
The Number of Jumps Per Year must be greater than 0. |
-2147155954 |
PerTotVolMinErr |
The Percent Total Volatility must be greater than 0. |
-2147155953 |
PerTotVolErr |
The Percent Total Volatility must be less than 1 or 100% |
-2147155952 |
YieldRate2NegErr |
The Yield Rate is too negative for the LIBOR conversion. Either increase the Yield Rate or Decrease the Time until Expiration. |
-2147155951 |
TimeTradingErr |
TimeTrading must be greater than 0. |
-2147155950 |
LicenseExpired |
Your trial license has expired. (Note: Used for internal use only.) |
-2147155949 |
VolGreaterZeroErr |
The price values must all be greater than zero. |
-2147155948 |
VolValuesMissErr |
The price array must contain values. |
-2147155947 |
VolCloseArrSizeErr |
The Close Array is a 1-dimensional array. |
-2147155946 |
VolHighArrSizeErr |
The High Array is a 1-dimensional array. |
-2147155945 |
VolLowArrSizeErr |
The Low Array is a 1-dimensional array. |
-2147155944 |
VolOpenArrSizeErr |
The Open Array is a 1-dimensional array. |
-2147155943 |
VolTypeErr |
The Price array is of data type double. |
-2147155942 |
VolArrSameSizeErr |
The Price arrays all have to be the same size. |
-2147155941 |
VolLowGTHighErr |
The High Price must be greater than or equal to the Low Price. |
-2147155940 |
VolMinElementErr |
There must be at least 2 elements in each array. |
-2147155939 |
VolCloseValueErr |
The Close Price must be G.E. Low Price and L.E. High Price. |
-2147155938 |
VolOpenValueErr |
The Open Price must be G.E. Low Price and L.E. High Price. |
-2147155937 |
VolFracClosedErr |
The FractionClosed must be greater than 0 and less than 1. |
-2147155936 |
EurModelErr |
The Eurodollar model is incorrect. |
-2147155935 |
ExerciseTypeErr |
The ExerciseType is invalid. |
-2147155934 |
DividendStyleErr |
The DividendStyle is invalid. |
-2147155933 |
OptionTypeErr |
The OptionType is invalid. |
-2147155932 |
YeildRateTypeErr |
The YieldRateType is invalid. |
-2147155931 |
IntRateTypeErr |
The InterestRateType is invalid. |
-2147155930 |
OptionFunctionErr |
The OptionFunction is invalid. |
-2147155929 |
TimeFormatErr |
The TimeFormat is invalid. |
-2147155928 |
HistoricVolFcnErr |
The Historic Volatility function selected is invalid. |
-2147155927 |
SampleTimeErr |
The SampleTime is invalid. |
-2147155926 |
OptionModelErr |
The OptionModel number is invalid. Select a valid model number |
-2147155925 |
IntRateTimeErr |
The Interest Rate multiplied by time cannot equal 360. |
-2147155924 |
YeildRateTimeErr |
The Yield Rate multiplied by time cannot equal 360. |
-2147155923 |
IntRate2NegErr |
The Interest Rate is too negative for the conversion. Either increase the Interest Rate or Decrease the Time until Expiration. |
-2147155922 |
VolCloseLimitErr |
The upper limit for a close price value is 1e100. |
-2147155921 |
VolHighLimitErr |
The upper limit for a high price value is 1e100. |
-2147155920 |
VolLowLimitErr |
The upper limit for a low price value is 1e100. |
-2147155919 |
VolOpenLimitErr |
The upper limit for an open price value is 1e100. |
-2147155918 |
ModelNotAvail |
The model selected in not available for this software version. |
-2147155917 |
TimeStartErr |
TimeStart must be greater than 0. |
-2147155916 |
CorrelationErr |
Correlation must be >= -1 and <= 1. |
-2147155915 |
Quantity1Err |
Quantity1 must be greater than 0. |
-2147155914 |
Quantity2Err |
Quantity2 must be greater than 0. |
-2147155913 |
ExchangeRateErr |
ExchangeRate must be greater than to 0. |
-2147155912 |
RebateErr |
The Rebate must be greater than or equal to 0. |
-2147155911 |
PayoffErr |
The Payoff must be greater than or equal to 0. |
-2147155910 |
BarrierLowErr |
The Barrier (or LowerBarrier for Double Barrier Options) must be greater than 0. |
-2147155909 |
BarrierHighErr |
The UpperBarrier must be greater than 0. |
-2147155908 |
AlphaErr |
The Alpha must be greater than 0. |
-2147155907 |
NumStepsMinErr |
The NumSteps for the Monte Carlo Models must be greater than or equal to 5. |
-2147155906 |
NumStepsMaxErr |
The NumSteps for the Monte Carlo Models must be less than or equal to 1000. |
-2147155905 |
NumSimsMinErr |
The NumSimulations for the Monte Carlo Models must be greater than or equal to 1. |
-2147155904 |
NumSimsMaxErr |
The NumSimulations for the Monte Carlo Models must be less than or equal to 5000. |
-2147155903 |
TimeCallErr |
TimeCall must be greater than 0. |
-2147155902 |
TimePutErr |
TimePut must be greater than 0. |
-2147155901 |
ChooserTimeErr |
TimeChoose must be greater than 0 and less than both TimeCall and TimePut. |
-2147155900 |
StrikeCallErr |
StrikeCall must be greater than 0. |
-2147155899 |
StrikePutErr |
StrikePut must be greater than 0. |
-2147155898 |
ChooserSTimeErr |
TimeChoose must be greater than 0 and less than the TimeExpire. |
-2147155897 |
TimeIntervalErr |
TimeInterval must be greater than 0. |
-2147155896 |
StrikeUnderlyErr |
StrikeUnderly must be greater than 0. |
-2147155895 |
StrikeOptionErr |
StrikeOption must be greater than 0. |
-2147155894 |
TimeOptionErr |
TimeOption must be greater than 0 and less than TimeUnderly. |
-2147155893 |
JumpRateErr |
JumpRate must be greater than 0. |
-2147155892 |
TimeInitialErr |
TimeInitial must be greater than 0 and less than the TimeExtended. |
-2147155891 |
TimeExtendedErr |
TimeExtended must be greater than 0. |
-2147155890 |
TimeOptionMinErr |
TimeOption must be greater than 0. |
-2147155889 |
QtyAssetErr |
QtyAsset must be > 0 and <= 1. |
-2147155888 |
ExTypeErr |
The ExchangeType is Invalid. |
-2147155887 |
ExtremeTypeErr |
The ExtremeType is invalid. |
-2147155886 |
AssetMinMaxErr |
AssetMinMax must be greater than 0. |
-2147155885 |
TimeLookbackMinErr |
TimeLookback must be greater than 0. |
-2147155884 |
TimeLookbackLimitErr |
TimeLookback must be less than TimeExpire. |
-2147155883 |
LambdaErr |
Lambda must be greater than 0. |
-2147155882 |
TimeStartLimitErr |
TimeStart must be less than TimeExpire. |
-2147155881 |
Time1stPeriodErr |
Time1stPeriod must be greater than 0. |
-2147155880 |
Time1stPeriodLimitErr |
Time1stPeriod must be less than TimeExpire. |
-2147155879 |
SpreadTypeErr |
The SpreadType is Invalid. |
-2147155878 |
BarrierTypeErr |
The BarrierType is Invalid. |
-2147155877 |
MonitoringErr |
The Barrier Monitoring is invalid. |
-2147155876 |
TimeBarrierErr |
TimeBarrier must be greater than 0. |
-2147155875 |
TimeBarrierLimitErr |
TimeBarrier must be less than TimeExpire. |
-2147155874 |
ImpliedCorrErr |
There is NO solution for the Implied Correlation. |
-2147155873 |
UpperStrikeErr |
UpperStrike must be greater than 0. |
-2147155872 |
UpperLowerErr |
The UpperStrike must be greater than the LowerStrike. |
-2147155871 |
LowerStrikeErr |
LowerStrike must be greater than 0. |
-2147155870 |
TimePayoffErr |
The TimePayoff is Invalid. |
-2147155869 |
PayoffTypeErr |
The PayoffType is Invalid. |
-2147155868 |
AverageTypeErr |
The AverageType is invalid. |
-2147155867 |
ObserveFreqErr |
The ObserveFreq is invalid. |
-2147155866 |
TimeToAverageErr |
The TimeExpire must be greater than the TimeToAverage. |
-2147155865 |
CurrencyTypeErr |
The CurrencyType must be either Domestic or Foreign. |
-2147155864 |
IntRateDomErr |
IntRateDom must be greater than 0. |
-2147155863 |
IntRateForErr |
IntRateFor must be greater than 0. |
-2147155862 |
VariateTypeErr |
The VariateType is invalid. |
-2147155861 |
ModelTypeErr |
The ModelType is invalid. |
-2147155860 |
TermStructureMissErr |
The Term Structure cannot be null. |
-2147155859 |
TermStructureArrSizeErr |
The Term Structure Array is not a 2-dimensional array. |
-2147155858 |
TermStuctureTypeErr |
The Term Structure array is not of data type double. |
-2147155857 |
TermStuctureDataErr |
The Term Structure cannot have a duration which is negative. |
The Term Structure must have ascending duration values. |
The Term Structure cannot have a rate which is negative or equal to zero. |
-2147155856 |
CouponFrequencyErr |
The CouponFrequency is invalid. |
-2147155855 |
OptionMaturityErr |
The OptionMaturity must be less than the TimeMaturity. |
-2147155854 |
CouponRateErr |
The CouponRate must be greater than 0 and less than 1E5. |
-2147155853 |
BondModelErr |
The BondModel is invalid. |
-2147155852 |
SwapTypeErr |
The SwapType is invalid. |
-2147155851 |
CapFloorTypeErr |
The CapFloorType is invalid. |
-2147155850 |
YearBasisErr |
The YearBasis is invalid. |
-2147155849 |
RangeValuesMissErr |
The range array must contain values. |
-2147155848 |
RangeArrSizeErr |
The range array is not a 1-dimensional array. |
-2147155847 |
RangeTypeErr |
The range array is not of data type double. |
-2147155846 |
RangeMinElementErr |
There must be at least 2 elements in the range array. |
-2147155845 |
RangeValueInvalidErr |
The Xrange array and the Yrange array must be the same size. |
-2147155844 |
RangeValueXErr |
The X Value cannot be interpolated from the provided range. |
-2147155843 |
InterpolationTypeErr |
The Interpolation Type is not valid. |
-2147155842 |
VolatilityErr |
The Volatility cannot be less than 0.01 or greater than 1.0. |
-2147155841 |
DividendArrMissErr |
The Dividends array cannot be null. |
-2147155840 |
DividendArrSizeErr |
The Dividends array is not a 2-dimensional. |
-2147155839 |
DividendArrTypeErr |
The Dividends array is not of data type double. |
-2147155838 |
DividendArrDataErr |
The Dividends array cannot have a dates which is negative. |
The Dividend array must be ascending with unique dates. |
The Dividend array cannot have an Amount which is negative. |